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Shelby County Chapter

Greater Shelby County

Dr. Tonya Cooper
Email: tonya4769(at)yahoo(dotted)com

Vice President
Mr. William Rodgers

The Greater Shelby County Chapter meets every 2nd Saturday of each month from 10:00-11:30 am at New Sardis Baptist Church; 7739 E Holmes Rd; Memphis, TN 38125.

Our Chapter exists to support the mission of Lane College, which is: “To develop the “whole student.” Serving as an extension of the National Alumni Association we closely align our initiatives and programs to include: (1) providing deserving students with much-needed essentials that assist them with navigating college-life while away from home (2) donating to the yearly Lane College Homecoming Fundraiser (3) attending college-sponsored activities, and (4) also providing support to local organizations within our immediate community.

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